St. James Lutheran Church was established in 1956 and moved into its present sanctuary in June 2007. We are located just west of Lutheran Health Plaza on State Road 930 East, between Minnich and Green Roads.
St. James Lutheran Church is a part of the Indiana/Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American (ELCA). The ELCA consists of approximately 4 million baptized members attending about 9,500 congregations across the United States.
The pattern of Scripture interpretation generally practiced in the ELCA seeks to consider carefully the meaning of passages and their form. The time and place in which passages are written are studied to assist in interpretation. Emphasis is placed on the message of a text in the context of Scripture. As indicated in the ELCA constitution, St. James accepts the canonical Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith and life.
St. James Lutheran strives to provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere to discuss issues or questions about faith. A personal and confidential environment is always present. We are here to help you know the deep love God has for you. Worship services are offered on Sundays and mid-week.
As part of our outreach ministry, St. James houses a Food Pantry (Thursdays, 1-3:30 pm.) which is operated through the supervision of the Associated Churches of Ft. Wayne.
Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey, in need of healing, or desiring to grow in your faith, we are excited to invite you to become part of the spirit and ministry at St. James - a church where ALL ARE WELCOME!